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Visiting Speaker Seminar Programs

Seminars are held on Mondays at 4:00 pm in Room 451 Benton Hall, unless otherwise specified.  Refreshments 15 minutes  prior to seminar time. Seminars are typically attended by faculty, postdocs, and graduate students  from all divisions, as well as undergraduate chemistry majors in their senior  year.

Fall 2001

September 10
Lanny Liebskind, Emory University, Bioinspired Organometallic Chemistry Organic Host:
C. Pigge
September 17
Al CrumblissDuke University, Some Chemical Aspects of Iron Transport in Man and Mcrobes Inorganic Host:
W. Harris
September 24
Michel Grandbois, University of Missouri-Columbia, Experiments with Single Molecules Using AFM Related Nanomanipulation Techniques Physical Host:
K. Stine
October 1
Joel Liebman, University of Maryland-Baltimore, County Noble Gases and Nuclear Wastes Organic Host:
J. Chickos
October 8
Marian Stankovich, University of Minnesota, "Role of Aromatic Stacking Interactions in the Modulation of the Reduction Potential of Flavin and Substrate-Product in Short Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Biochemistry Host:
D. Becker
October 15
Carolyn Anderson, Washington University Medical School
Copper Complexes as Radiopharmaceuticals: From Inorganic Chemistry to in vivo Studies
Inorganic Host:
W. Harris
October 22
Dorothea Hillesheim, UMSL, Thermodynamic Study of Monocarboxylic Acids and Quinoxalines Organic Host:
J. Chickos
October 29
Richard A. Day, University of Cincinnati, A Method for Detection of Intra-Cellular Protein-Protein Interactions Inorganic Host:
W. Harris
November 5
Alvin Crumbliss, Duke University, Some Chemical Aspects of Iron Transport in Man and Microbes
Inorganic Host:
W. Harris
November 12
David Crich, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chemical Synthesis of the Elusive b-Mannosides Organic Host:
A. Demchenko
November 19
John Baur, Illinois State University, Applications of  New Probes for Scanning Electrochemical  Microscopy Biochemistry Host:
D. Becker
November 26
Marvin Berkowitz, UMSL, Science, Ethics, Character Education, and Democracy: Strange Bedfellows? Inorganic Host:
W. Harris
December 3
James Cowan, Ohio State University, An Inorganic Approach to Drug Design.  Novel Inorganic Nucleases Biochemistry Host:
C. Dupureur
December 10
Wynn Volkert, Missouri School of Medicine, Title to be announced Inorganic Host:
W. Harris


An Archive of our Chemistry Coloquium is found here.